• 迈克尔·夏图

    • 性别:
    • 职业:演员
    • 星座:摩羯座
    • 血型:不详
    • 身高:不详
    • 体重:不详
    • 地区:不详
    • 生日:1972-01-08
    • 出生地:[db:出生地]
    • 毕业院校:不详
    • 代表作:Shut,地球自转,Inbetween
      迈克尔·夏图在前东德长大,柏林墙倒下那年他17岁在学校时他对文学、诗歌朗诵和运动感兴趣。在成为演员之前曾做过工人,后在当地一个电视节目做助理。在此期间,他演过小品,拍过广告,并以在法国作家亚伯特·卡缪的舞台剧《卡里古拉》(Caligula)中饰演的贵族梅利亚(Mereia),首次博得关注。随后他进入戏剧学校。在数部国际影片中有过精彩演出,如在伦敦拍摄的犯罪片《期间》(Inbetween)(英国和洛杉矶电影节),以及犯罪片《关闭》(Shut)。他主演的伦理电影《黑色为零》(Black zero)获比伯拉赫电影节提名,其对于性格阴暗的角色“斯文”的诠释令观众和批评家印象深刻。他现居柏林。  Michael Chateau grew up in the former GDR. He was 17 years old when the wall came down. At school he was interested in literature, reciting poems and doing sports. Before becoming an actor he worked as a laborer and was an assistant for a local TV show. In the meantime he played sketches and did commercials and acted as well on stage in the play of A. Camus "Caligula" where he got his first attracted serious critical attention with his performance as Merea. Afterwards he went to drama school. He has acted in several international movie productions such as Inbetween (British Film festival Los Angeles) and Shut. The movie Blackzero got a nomination at the Biberach Filmfestival. Michael was playing that guy Sven and the audiences and the critics where agreed about his strong performance. He lives in Berlin.


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