• 杰米·布鲁尔

    • 性别:
    • 职业:演员
    • 星座:不详
    • 血型:不详
    • 身高:不详
    • 体重:不详
    • 地区:美国
    • 生日:1985-02-05
    • 出生地:[db:出生地]
    • 毕业院校:不详
    • 代表作:《美国恐怖故事》
      Jamie Brewer is best known for her breakthrough dimensional role as Adelaide 'Addie' Langdon in American Horror Story (2011). She has a theatre background which started in 1999, she has trained at 'The Groundlings Theatre and School', and continues her training through the theatre and in improvisation at 'The Ruskin School of Acting'. Jamie appeared/spoke in PSA's for the "Souper Bowl of Caring Houston Food Drive" in Houston, TX for 2 consecutive years which aired on NBC, ABC, and CBS.  Jamie was the youngest to ever be elected President of the ARC of Fort Bend Chapter. From there, she was appointed to the State of Texas ARC Board, then elected to the Executive Board as Treasurer. Jamie was then asked to serve on the ARC Governmental Affairs Committee for the State of Texas. She spoke with Senators at the Texas State Capitol to persuade them to pass the law for Texas to abolish using the "R" word from state legislation, and regarding the needs of people with disabilities in Texas.  Brewer is involved with a several non-profit organizations, including DSALA, DSiAM, BTAP, National Down Syndrome Congress, American Association of People with Disabilities of the United States, and Civitan International. 早年经历 杰米·布鲁尔,1985年2月5日生于美国加利福尼亚州。在出生时便被诊断患有唐氏综合症。2011年,在《美国恐怖故事》中的表演,是杰米的影视处女秀。在这之前,她是一位剧场演员,不过她也没有离开戏剧舞台。杰米在1999年念中学的时候开始参加表演培训,她学会了表演戏剧、音乐剧、喜剧以及即兴表演 演艺经历 2011年,在《美国恐怖故事》第一季中饰演阿德莱德·兰顿,一个患有唐氏综合征但是能够通灵的女孩。随后继续出演了《美国恐怖故事》,饰演楠,一个具有读心能力的女巫。随后继续出演了第四季、第七季和第八季。在《洛城警事》第五季中饰演Amanda;《错位青春》第五季中饰演老师的助手;Raymond&Lane(网络连续剧)中饰演Jamie;在电影MyNextBreath里饰演TBD。在美国《能力》杂志的采访中,记者对杰米提出了一个问题:你现在有那个“特别的人”吗?杰米回答:我享受单身,但是我保持开放与接纳的心态,就像麦可·布雷(加拿大著名流行爵士乐歌手)歌里唱的:还没有遇见你~ 社会活动 作为一位唐氏综合征患者,杰米积极参加唐氏综合征组织的活动,她被推选为德克萨斯州本德堡县红十字分会的主席,后又被派到德州红十字会工作,在执行委员会担任财务主管,并代表德州服务于红十字会的政府事务委员会。她在德州议会大厦与议员们对话,希望他们能够通过一项州立法,即禁止使用“Retarded”这个词,因为这个形容“智力迟钝,发展迟缓”的词语带有歧视性。如今,德州立法规定,使用“IntellectualDevelopmentalDisability”(智力发展障碍)来替代此词。


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